Pre-K Q&A

Join us twice a week for ONLINE question and answer sessions with pre-K staff! Pre-K Q&A will be held on Tuesday and Thursday each week, alternating between 10 am - 1 pm and 4 pm - 7 pm. A few times a month, we will also hold a few sessions on Saturday from 10 am – 1 pm in place of one of the week day sessions. Log in by following the instructions below!


Important Reminder

The goal of Pre-K Q&A is to support families applying for Durham PreK who may have quick questions about their application, required documents, site preferences, and more about Durham PreK.

What kinds of questions can I ask in Pre-K Q&A sessions?
  • Questions about documents and what can be accepted
  • Clarify how to answer a certain question on the application
  • Help with uploading a document into application
  • Questions about site preferences
  • Questions about placement process

If you feel that you are in need of more in-depth support, please contact the DPK Information Help Line to schedule an application appointment at 1-833-773-5338 or

How to Join

  1. Click the "Join Q&A Session" below during the scheduled time (can be found on the DPK Calendar)
  2. Remain in the waiting room until host lets you in - they will know you're in the waiting room. We only let one family in at a time to ensure confidentiality with application materials.
  3. Remember that sessions should be quick, so families with questions that might take more time will likely be referred for a one-on-one application appointment with an application specialist.